Do We Really Need Ubiquitous Broadband Infrastructure?

The term “build it and they will come” is often quoted in the context of infrastructure investment. But does it really apply in the case of broadband?

Contrary to popular mythology, the phrase did not spring from a recent Kevin Costner film (shame on you Google!). In fact it stems from the economic history around the development of rail infrastructure in 19th Century England. I recently found a most instructive First Monday article on this very topic that explains the analogy between rail and broadband. The theory is essentially that if you build the infrastructure then businesses and consumers will perceive the opportunity and be attracted to it.

It’s a great theory. The emergence of better transport infrastructure was indeed a precursor to economic transformation of post-Industrial Europe and America. But if we are now doing business in the “weightless economy”, then does success neccessarily hinge upon widely dispersed physical infrastructure? After all, clever people have been sharing and selling their ideas well prior to the emergence of the Internet. More importantly do we really need ubiquitous (and expensive) high speed broadband to every home? I think not. You don’t see a bus stop or a train station at every front gate, do you?

A great deal of time was taken up at last week’s Digital Summit conference discussing the various merits of dispensing fibre to node and fibre to the home as a solution to the network speed issue. ICT Minister David Cunliffe also placed a lot of emphasis on this issue in his keynote speech. But if every home has a very high speed connection it simply means easier porn downloads and that our kids spend a whole lot more time indoors honing their gaming skills. I’m not convinced that this is going to lead to “economic transformation”.

Telecom has committed to improving domestic supply and new CEO Paul Reynolds has already won a lot of hearts with his collaborative and open style. A breath of fresh air that should bring change. But the real issue for the New Zealand economy is international connectivity – and that may prove to be a much harder nut to crack.

One thought on “Do We Really Need Ubiquitous Broadband Infrastructure?

  1. Excellent Post Paul,

    I agree with you about international connectivity being the priority. My side point on Rod’s blog about Broadband to the home was to point out that there also are significant benefits to getting home network speeds up. I think due to the sheer physical size of the US, its acceptable for businesses to be distributed to keep the costs down.


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